How to know if you'll get along with a new boss

Mar 24, 2020

Starting a new job can be intimidating — but if you don’t get along with your new boss, it can be downright unpleasant. That’s why it’s advisable to assess the hiring manager during the application process — just like the hiring manager is assessing you. Here are some points to examine.

Is the manager on time?

If the manager is consistently on time, it indicates that he or she is professionally punctual. Of course, as Elana Lyn Gross points out in her Monster article “How to spot a bad boss in an interview,” anybody can be a few minutes late — but if you’re left waiting for a very long time or if the manager is late more than once, it can indicate that he or she isn’t really respectful of your time.

Does the manager respond quickly to your communications?

Although you’re unlikely to be communicating a lot with the hiring manager during the application process, it’s advisable to send him or her a thank-you email after interviews. In addition, you might have questions you weren’t able to address during your conversation. If the manager responds to your emails or calls within 24 hours, it’s a sign he or she is mindful of your concerns and will strive to address them in a timely manner. If, however, you’re left hanging for days, it doesn’t bode very well for a future working relationship.

Is the manager positive about his or her team?

Let’s face it: You want a manager who believes in his or her team. So when you’re asking about the people you’ll be working with, it’s nice to hear positive things. But if the manager makes negative or even disrespectful remarks about his or her employees, it can indicate a toxic atmosphere, according to Kat Boogaard in her article “5 Red Flags That You Won’t Get Along With a Potential Boss” for The Muse.

Does the manager really listen to you?

If you’re planning on not just landing a new job but actually advancing your career, you need to be able to have in-depth conversations with your boss. As a part of the team, your input should be valued. Evaluate whether the manager is truly interested in what you have to say or seems to be rattling off questions without really listening to your answers.

With unemployment rates consistently low and companies finding it challenging to hire the right talent, the odds are in your favor when looking for a new position. So if you’re apprehensive about not getting along with a hiring manager, be smart and keep looking. It’s better to spend some more time and energy searching for the right match than to jump at an opportunity that won’t make you happy.

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